ABBYY Lingvo Six Languages 11.0 is a very convenient electronic dictionary: It remains the number one electronic dictionary in Russia with over 4.000000 users.
All translation dictionaries in ABBYY Lingvo 11 have been enriched with new modern dictionaries. This version has a new feature of a word-by-word translation of a sentence. To do this, you only need to select the necessary sentence in the document and press Ctrl-V and then Enter. Lingvo will display the translaton for all the words and the whole sentence may become clear.
You can also use a comprehensive dictionary card for each word. This card contains word usage examples, all the meanings of a word and its transcription.
There is also a function with the help of which you can learn new words. It is called Lingvo Tutor.
The program inteface has been improved a lot, but you can also improve your dictionary yourself: new dictionaries can be added by simply coppying a dictionary file to the memory card.
- Improved program interface
- New dictionaries can be added by simply copying a dictionary file to the memory card
- None
This program received 1 award