ABBYY Lingvo Six Languages

It is a very convenient electronic dictionary, not only for professionals.


ABBYY Lingvo Six Languages 11.0 is a very convenient electronic dictionary: It remains the number one electronic dictionary in Russia with over 4.000000 users.

You can use this dictionary not only when you need translation but also when you need to find out some set phrases, learn a proper context of the word or find out the emotional coloring.
All translation dictionaries in ABBYY Lingvo 11 have been enriched with new modern dictionaries. This version has a new feature of a word-by-word translation of a sentence. To do this, you only need to select the necessary sentence in the document and press Ctrl-V and then Enter. Lingvo will display the translaton for all the words and the whole sentence may become clear.
You can also use a comprehensive dictionary card for each word. This card contains word usage examples, all the meanings of a word and its transcription.
There is also a function with the help of which you can learn new words. It is called Lingvo Tutor.
The program inteface has been improved a lot, but you can also improve your dictionary yourself: new dictionaries can be added by simply coppying a dictionary file to the memory card.


  • Improved program interface
  • New dictionaries can be added by simply copying a dictionary file to the memory card


  • None
This program received 1 award
ABBYY Software
Latest version:
All versions
License type:
Uni 15 years ago
